Moving items

There are two ways to move an item to another location in the tree, either by dragging said item or by using the arrow controls.

Dragging an item

Tap and hold the icon arrows alt to drag the item to a different location in the tree:


Release to drop the item in the intended location.

Dragging an item to below a folder will add the item to the folder.

Using the arrow-controls

Tap an item to display the navigation controls at the bottom of the page:

display arrowcontrols
  • Tap the icon arrow up to move an item up in the tree

  • Tap the icon arrow left to move an item up in the hierarchy of the tree

  • Tap the icon arrow down to move an item down in the tree

  • Tap the icon arrow right to move an item down in the hierarchy in the tree

Moving an item up or down can cause the item to move upwards in the tree hierarchy as well. Use the arrow left and arrow right to move it up or down a level in the tree.