The composer was created to allow users to create their own behavior(s) in an easy-to-use interface. These behaviors or compositions can be created by linking blocks containing actions for the smart device together.
The composer has 2 modes to create compositions:
The simple composer page has been designed to allow users to customize the behavior of the device to a certain extent. For example, if just playing a video doesn’t meet the requirements for a presentation, a sequence of videos and moving the device from location to location might.
The simple composer allows users to link actions to each other (e.g. move to a location, play a video, move to another location, play music, …) in a linear fashion, like how a music-composition is composed one note at a time. And just like the conductor in an orchestra, some instruments are needed to carry out this composition. The elements that build up these compositions are called blocks. To make it (somewhat) intuitive for the users, some pre-programmed blocks can be placed into a timeline, so the actions can be visually shown instead of configuring some variables hidden away in hundreds of lines of computer-code.
The advanced composer has been created to allow logic, branching and process flow within compositions. Using the advanced composer, the user can make the device perform a sequence of actions based on the evaluation of user input, random or temporary variables. This takes compositions to a whole new level, effectively bringing a graphical programming interface that allows for complex scenarios and experimentation.
An overview of the currently available blocks can be found here